since i have a tablet that runs Android, i made a Droid, cause they're just so cute!

M likes Harry Potter, so i tried my hand at a Hedwig:

Both girls got a tablet for xmas, and they found an addictive game (Cut the Rope) with a cute character, Om Nom. so found a pattern, made one for each of 'em.

M and I have seen all the Ice Age movies, and while i enjoy all the characters, i like Sid and Scrat just a little bit more. (and Diego's voice.*wink*) So i went on a hunt, and found a Scrat pattern over on Great Grey Crochet. and i found his acorn there as well.

i made this for my daughter M (“Meg”) and when she gets silly and glomps someone, we say they have a 1-Meg attachment. and when she gets grumpy, she gets grumpy. so, yeah.

also, i translated the pattern from knitting, but the original is a Grumpasaurus by Kat Lewinski.
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